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FIGHT CARD. PROMO VIDEO. 21 FEB 2019. 1/8 (1) FiNAL World Cup “FiGHT TNA” TATNEFT Cup. Tatneft Arena, Kazan, Russia. Start 19.00 (moscow time) 21 февраля 2019 года 1/8 (1) Финал Чемпионата Мира "Бои по правилам ТНА" на Кубок Татнефть.

14 февраля 2019

Date: 21 February 2019
Location: Kazan, Russia
Place: Tatneft Arena

*The fighting records are shown this way: (Wins- Losses- Draws).

*All the fights are 3 rounds and 3 minutes, except if otherwise is shown.

*All the fights are kickboxing rules, except if otherwise is shown.

*In case the post is a ”results” post, green colour is the winner and the purple colour shows how the win was.

*(CC) means current champion.

*If the names, country, fighting record or anything else is incorrect, please send a message below and we will fix it immediately.

Every year since 2007 Tatneft Cup Kickboxing holds 3 tournaments in the Tatneft Arena divided over 8 events. The tournaments take place in three weight categories (-70KG), (-80KG) & (+80KG) starting with 16 fighters in each weight category from all over the world.

Each year a total of 8 events will be held to go from 16 fighters for each weight category to 1 fighter left who wins the tournament in his weight category.

All fights are the usual 3×3 minutes rule with the exception of the fight going to an automatic 4th extension round if there is no knockdown or knockout during the first three rounds!

Tatneft Cup Kickboxing started in 2007 and this year, 2019, is the 12th season or the 12th year. Inside each season Tatneft Cup Kickboxing holds these events to go to 1 fighter left:

-1/8 Finals (1) | 1/8 Finals (2) | 1/8 Finals (3) | 1/8 Finals (4)
-Quarter-Finals (1), Quarter-Finals (2)


Championship Tournament (-70KG) (1/8 Final)

Ilyas Boukayoua (Ильяс Букаюа) NLD vs Giannis Boukis (Яннис Боукис) GRC
Sayfullah Hambahadov (Сайфуллах Хамбахадов) RUS vs Vadim Vaskov (Вадим Васьков) BLR

Championship Tournament (-80KG) (1/8 Final)

Sergey Ponomaroyv (Сергей Понамарёв) RUS vs Robert Oganesyan (Роберт Оганесян) ARM
Sharabutdin Magomedov (Шарабутдин Магомедов) RUS vs Hassan Bozorov (Хассан Бозоров) UZB

Championship Tournament (+80KG) (1/8 Final)

Yegish Yegoian (Йегишь Егоян) NLD vs Enver Slijvar (Энвер Слийвар) SVN
Igor Darmeshkin (Игорь Дармешкин) RUS vs Christofor Mirov (Христофор Миров) CYP

70 kg

Ilyas Boukayoua

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Age: 03.04.1996
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 184 см


Giannis Boukis

Country: Greece
City: Athens
Age: 17.04.1993
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 185 см


S. Khambakhadov

Country: Russia
City: Grozny
Age: 10.07.1993
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 175 см


Vadim Vaskov

Country: Belarus
City: Minsk
Age: 15.08 1996
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 180 см


80 kg

Sergey Ponomarev

Country: Russia
City: Solikamsk
Age: 07.20.1994
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 186 см


Robert Oganesyan

Country: Greece
City: Salonika
Age: 12.05.1991
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 178 см


Sharabutdin Magomedov

Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Age: 16.05.1994
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 186 см


Hassan Bozorov

Country: Uzbekistan
City: Bukhara
Age: 02.06.1994
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 186 см


+80 kg

Yegish Yegoian

Country: Netherlands/Armenia
City: Amsterdam
Age: 12.10.1990
Weight: 100 kg
Height: 188 см


Sergey Mavlyutov

Country: Russia
City: S. Petersburg
Age: 04.05.1995
Weight: 110 kg
Height: 191 см


Igor Darmeshkin

Country: Russia
City: Vladimir
Age: 22.02.1992
Weight: 97 kg
Height: 190 см


Christopher Mirov

Country: Cyprus
City: Paphos
Age: 19.01.1990
Weight: 106 kg
Height: 188 см




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