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ВИДЕО. Последние дни оставляют последних спортсменов и имена победителей Чемпионата мира по муайтай 2019 / VIDEO. Final Days Leave Last Athletes Standing and Names of the Winners of the World Muaythai Championships 2019

29 июля 2019

Это был решающий день для многих спортсменов, так как лучшие в мире остались в гонке за золотые медали крупнейшего международного турнира по муайтай - чемпионата мира IFMA по муайтай. Это были печальные моменты, когда столько выдающихся спортсменов покидали соревнования, так как каждый бой стоил финала; У каждого спортсмена был триумф в IFMA, но в финале остался только один, и пришло время решить, кто поднимется на высшую ступеньку пьедестала и возьмет золото для своей страны.

It was a decisive day for many athletes as the world’s best stayed in the race for the gold medals of the biggest senior international muaythai event – the IFMA World Muaythai Championships. It was sad moments to see so many outstanding athletes leaving the competition as each bout was worth a final; each athlete has had an experience of triumph in IFMA but there are only one in the final and the time came to decide who will raise to the highest step of the podium and take the gold for their country.

The rematch of the final bout from Arafura Games came earlier than anyone could expect as only two months ago Oleh Prymachov and Jakub Klauda were making the walls of the Darwin Convention Center tremble as two heavyweight athletes clashed in the ring. Oleh Prymachov made it to the final spending a total of 4 rounds over three bouts never letting the crowd enjoying all three rounds. Jakub had two bouts on his way to the final and should look fresh as his opponent from Sri Lanka had to capitulate in the first round of the semifinal. And again it was the Ukrainian athlete who used the span of his long limbs to make the impact securing him gold medal.

Alena Leshkevich became the first IFMA athlete to win gold medal at four world championships in a row. A truly historical effort which can find its continuation next year. Alena was celebrating her birthday as she competed for her following gold and this achievement can truly be the best present she could make for herself.

The Finnish team made presence at these Championships winning two gold medals. Tessa Kakkonen fought four times and it was a sad injury of the Australian Sze Sze Rowlinson who sensationally won Suphisara Konlak who is known as Loma in the muaythai world. Anna Rantanen won the final against Angela Mamic who had a difficult bracket equalising the score with the winner of the World Championships in Mexico Helena Jurisic. All the athlete in women’s 71 deserved a very loud round of applause as each is worth the biggest awards.

Aik Begian continues to impress the world with his winning streak and it seems that there is no power to stop him fifth year in a row starting as the youth athlete with three golds and keeping this result in the elite. The muaythai world will only have to keep following the bright career of the young talent, and today it’s again Aik’s time to shine as he keeps his chamion’s title of the 60 kg division.

France’s Jimmy Vienot keeps his record flawless adding 5 won bouts to his athlete’s profile. It was an impressive effort from one of the best athletes of the present muaythai. The debutant of the IFMA tournament from Ukraine Volodymyr Baryshev showed a tremendous spirit on his way to the final.

Each fight was a great sight, the guests of the tournament from around the world filled the grand stand of the muaythai venue, and the winners were honoured to receive medals from the President of Taekwondo, JiuJitsu and so many other distinguished guests.

The World Chamionships are finished and another history was written by athletes from five continents who covered thousands of kilometers to be part of something larger than themselves. IFMA is truly proud to unite so many athletes who fight for their countries and become a role models for so many back home. Congratulations to all the winners and for runners up sky is the limit and there will be many more events to prove themselves.

World Muaythai Championships 2019, Day 7, Ring A_Final bouts

World Muaythai Championships 2019, Day 7, Ring C_Final bouts



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